Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Whew... this is a bad day. I'm going to write out some of these feelings and see if it helps. My daughter left to go back to college on Saturday. My son's first day of 11th grade is tomorrow. This is the first time in 15 years that I haven't worked in a classroom/school at the beginning of the school year. So, I'm feeling sorry for myself. But as soon as I start having my own pity party, I have tremendous guilt for even beginning to feel sorry for myself.

A teacher I know won't be starting the school year because she was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer. An administrator in a nearby district won't be starting the school year because his four month old daughter just received a double lung transplant. An administrator in Florida won't be starting the school year because she is undergoing heart surgery today.

These people are in my thoughts and prayers and I'm going to keep myself busy by cooking, cleaning and working on a presentation for a second interview at a software company.

Best wishes to all of you who are starting school in the next couple of weeks. Have a magnificant year!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Can You Help Charlie?

Charlie *URGENT* --> -->
Charlie will be 3yrs old September 31st and weighs 48#. He is an Akita/Wired Hair Terrier mix. His owner needs to find him a home ASAP because she is elderly and unable to care for him anymore. If he is not placed, he will have to be surrendered to the Carroll County dog pound. She has had him since he was a puppy and has been an outdoor dog since he was 3 months old. He does very well with other dogs and her cat. Has health records to accompany him to his new home, but he will need heartwormed checked and shots. Charlie is not neutered. He is a very sweet and friendly dog that gets a lot of attention. He needs a fenced in yard and lots of attention. He is very smart and needs to be trained as an indoor dog with appropriate training. He will need neutered within a month of adoption. For more information you can call or email Tracy. He is located in Carrollton, Ohio.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Job?

So, I had a phone interview today. Of course, I'm torn. It was for a position that involves selling educational equipment. I'm not a sales person. That's my husband's job! He can sell ice cubes to Eskimos (Inuits?) He's the charismatic one. I'm just the blob. However, the position is to sell interactive white boards. If there was ever a product that I COULD sell, this would be it. It's one of the pieces of equipment that most excites me and during my time as technology coordinator, I worked very hard to purchase and install about 16 of them in my district. The person that I interviewed with has asked me to call back on Tuesday to let him know if I'd like to pursue the next steps. I have a lot of thinking to do this weekend! Wish me luck!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Relief Auction for Displaced Iowa Pets

While I realize that my blog doesn't have much of a following yet (let's face it, I haven't sad anything provocotive YET!) I want to post about this auction for an online friend. It is a cause that I feel strongly about. I made quite a few donations to organizations helping pets in N.O. after Hurricane Katrina. I hope you'll consider helping out this cause!

I’m asking all of you to sign on to an online killer auction to help the animals affected by the floods in Iowa and get some great Bath and Body, Jewelry and other awesome products for yourself at the same time for a lot less than retail value! The auction will be held to benefit the animals displaced by the Iowa flood in the next few days. The situation is dire as thousands of animals are in makeshift shelters with lots more still stranded. The auction will be held here, so bookmark it now!!
Iowa Flood Relief Auction for Stranded Pets.
The auction will be held from June 25-July 2 at the link above. All funds raised will be directed to a special “Friends of the Animal Shelter” fund via the Kirkwood Foundation (tax ID 23-7076632), which is the fundraising division of the Kirkwood Community College, currently serving as the temporary shelter for displaced animals. There are several hundred dogs, even more cats, and other companion animals being housed there, and many, many more animals are still stranded in the tens of thousands of abandoned homes.
Brooke, friend of etailers everywhere, has went on a mission to organize, donate, and help coordinate this auction by getting retailers and etailers to donate products and certficates to help the animals. I’m sure many of you can pick up some fantastic products from us and from other great Indie etailers and help these animals in return.
Press is beginning to circulate regarding the auction and Brooke’s work. Here are a couple of examples:She’s been featured in most of the Omaha papers and she’s beginning to show up in blogs all over the net. Recently on crazy days and nights just this morning. A great article can be found here:
Omaha World Herald
I’m sure that there will be products all over the price range from low end to high end or they simply take donations. $1 $5 anything will help buy cat and dog food and water. That is how dire the siutation is.
Our indie company has donated and we’ve helped rally a lot of other really good jewelry and artist to donate awesome pieces of work along with fantastic candles and bath and body products. All kinds of things, including wine form Napa valley, keeps rolling in to support Brooke’s effort to take care of the animals and help rebuild the shelter. Anything you can do to help support the animals would be so appreciated and so beloved.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Home Again

I woke up in my own bed this morning after a fabulous week at the beach. We had fantastic weather - not a single drop of rain - and it was so refreshing to spend a week with family and friends. I feel a bit rejuvenated now and ready to move on with my job search as well as my normal summer full of odds and ends that get procrastinated on all through the school year.

Our local paper had an article today explaining that after two years, the district that I live in (where my son attends) are going to lower their pay-to-play fees. The article states that results of a recent survey showed that 32% of seniors that just graduated declined to participate in extra-curricular activities due to the fee. I wonder what those kids spent their time doing instead of participating in school sponsored activities? Playing video games like GTA? The superintendent acknowledges that the pay-to-play fees are a problem. The bigger problem, however, is school funding. Pay-to-play is just a symptom of how many other valuable opportunities are just being cut without the option for parents to pay for them.

The education funding system in our state has been broken for a long time. If it EVER gets fixed, it will take another generation of kids passing through broken schools before any benefit is realized.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Halfway Point

Today marks the halfway point of my vacation at the beach. I haven't come up with any earth-shattering revelations about my life yet but I do feel a little more relaxed - at least until I think of the "to-do list" waiting for me when I get home!

I met a young man yesterday (keyword being YOUNG!) who has spent the last six summers working on Ocracoke Island. Six years ago, he came down with a friend to spend a week and stayed for the summer. I (semi-) joked with my husband that perhaps he should just leave me here for the summer and come pick me back up in September since I now have no obligations at home! Eventhough it was mostly a joke, the truth is - the world is wide open to me right now and I can't decide what I want to do! Realistically, relocating isn't practical at this point because my son only has two years of high school left and he was just accepted into a Project Lead the Way program in our area. I don't want to disrupt him at this point in his life. I am, however, available to travel if a job posibility comes up with that requirement.

For now, I'm going to spend 3 more days reading (for pleasure) eating, sleeping and visiting with good friends. I'll address the next steps of my job search when I get home next week!

Friday, June 6, 2008

What's Next?

:heavy sigh: Today was the end of another chapter of my life. I just arrived home from my last day of work for now. Now, I'm officially unemployed. It's the first time, since I had a paper route when I was twelve, that I have become unemployed where it was not my own choice. I've changed jobs before and even stayed home for a bit while my daughter was young and I was in school full time but this is the first time that I will actually be filing the papers to receive unemployment compensation from the government. The district that I worked for decided that supporting teachers and staff in their use of technology is no longer a priority so my job has been eliminated.

So, tomorrow morning, at approximately 7am, my family will leave for our annual trip to the beach. I will take this time to do some reflecting about what the next chapter in my life might look like. Right now, I just don't have a clue what might be in store for my future. I do know that I disagree with the administration of the school district and that teachers and students DO need supported and encouraged in their use of technology in the classroom and I hope to find some way to help accomplish that goal. The problem is, that it's not only the district that I worked for that feels this way. It's a popular trend in the area/state when our unconstitutional school funding system is so broken that schools must cut back to the absolute bear minimum in staffing and equipment. Commonly, that means only keeping teachers who don't need computers - they can just lecture to a class of about 40+ students.

Ok, self pity party OVER! On to the beach to spend time with my fabulous family and regroup. Perhaps, you'll see some introspective posts next week or perhaps not!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Technology Integration

I orginally posted today's entry as a comment on Jen Wagner's blog about her struggle with integrating technology into the curriculum in her district. I feel bad that my comment was so long and as I wrote it, I realized that I needed to post it on my own blog! I'm so new at this that sometimes I forget it's here and what it's for! Forgive me, Jen, for monopolizing your comment page.

Hi Jen! I just recently started reading your blog. Are you sure you are not my long, lost twin? My B.S. is in ECED and my M.Ed in Instructional Technology. I have spent the past 8 years as a preK-12 technology coordinator and have struggled with the very issues that you describe here! Unfortunately (for both the district staff and I) my position is being eliminated so I will not be employed next year. My good byes tomorrow will be a bit more permanent and there won't be any summer classes being taught this year.
I'm not sure you would be interested in my advice, since apparently, some think I was not very effective in my job, but others (including myself) would disagree. My only advice that I can give is to start with a very small group of core teachers that you know that you can convince to embrace technology in their classrooms. As you work with them and their students, the idea will spread. In some cases, it will be the kids themselves. They'll start asking their more reluctant teachers, "Why don't we use videos to present this project instead of speeches?" or similar questions.
The teachers that are "on the bubble" will also be influenced. They'll see the teachers that are embracing technology and the success they are having with their classes and they too will want to jump on board.
I'm sorry for such a long comment. I think I'll also post this as a blog entry on my fledgling blog. Eventhough my official position is being eliminated, my quest to bring technology into classrooms has not. I just need to find a new way to make that happen - perhaps in a non-traditional role. Thanks for generating my thoughts this morning and best wishes with your stuggle to integrate technology in your district!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This morning, while going through my new morning routine of devouring as many educational blogs as I have time for, I found Geoff Sheehy's moving tribute to Connie. As much as I have tried during the past six weeks (I was told that my position is being eliminated on May 2) to choke down my bitterness and anger, reading Geoff's post brought it all flooding back again. Part of it is personal. I have LOVED my job over the past 8 years. Not every day mind you - I don't think anyone does - but I like to THINK that I've affected the lives of students and staff during this time and am sick over the bureaucratic decisions that are being made at the cost of the quality of education that will be offered in the future.

Thus, branching out on my own in the hopes that I can still help some educator and/or some student out there even if I am not formally employed by a school district. I hope someone, somewhere, benefits from SOMETHING on my website and I hope all of the Connie's of the world (including me) find some bigger and better life mission out there somewhere!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blog SEO

Now that I've decided to enter the relm of edu-blogging, I need to tackle the "behind the scenes" stuff like SEO and trackbacks. I need to learn to make the most of my tags (which are usually non-existant because I'm not sure what to use!) I'm always open to any ideas and constructive criticism. If I had all the answers, I'd be a millionaire by now!

I traveled around a bit at ISTE Island in SL yesterday and met one of the docents (Tek) who was incredibly helpful! I'm anxious to meet more people, do some more networking and find out what kind of opportunities might exist out in the big world for an unemployed technology coordinator!

Monday, June 2, 2008

ISTE Island

I DID IT! I reached ISTE Island in Second Life this weekend! WOW! My new goal is to explore the island! I did manage to find the coffee shop (I can smell coffee a mile away!) and I am amazed at all of the features available for Texas teachers! I'm anxious to see a presentation in one of the amplitheaters and how that works.

I also found the wall in the Blog Hut where you can post your blog address but I can't quite figure out how to submit an info card with my address on it.

Second Life will be my summer project. I'm anxious to more fully explore the potential of this site in the education world and how it can be used to its greatest potential. I sure hope to meet some of the bloggers that I so respect and admire soon!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Second Life

Since my first life appears to be in a bit of turmoil right now, I decided to take the plunge and move into Second Life. I've been wanting to explore Second Life for over a year now and but my first life always seemed to get in the way. With some unexpected spare time on my hands now, I need to take advantage of it and do some of the things that I have been putting off for so long.

Yesterday, I created my Second Life presence. My first inclination was to go with an identity associated with the education world but my upcoming trip to the beach won out and I am now Beachany Landar in Second Life. I haven't figured out how to make it off of Orientation Island yet but I'm anxious to spend some more time with the program this weekend. If you see me wandering aimlessly, take my hand and show me the ropes!

I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of my favorite educational bloggers and hope to learn much from their expertise!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Student Created Podcasts

As the school year winds down, our students are in a unique situation because they have 6 calamity days to make up. Our district was off of school during much of March due to extreme flooding. It's a struggle to keep staff and students alike motivated for 6 extra days of school, especially when the weather is finally turning nice.

Mrs. McCullagh has managed to successfully motivate her eighth graders by having them create children's stories in their language arts class which they then turned into podcasts. Check them out on her webpage here and then subscribe to them in iTunes!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Baptism by Blog!

Welcome to my inaugural blog post! I am a, soon to be unemployed, technology coordinator in a K-12 school district. I can't bear the thought that I will no longer be supporting teachers and students so this is my attempt to continue to do what I know and love through cyber-space. Thanks for letting me share part of your day!