Thursday, June 12, 2008

Halfway Point

Today marks the halfway point of my vacation at the beach. I haven't come up with any earth-shattering revelations about my life yet but I do feel a little more relaxed - at least until I think of the "to-do list" waiting for me when I get home!

I met a young man yesterday (keyword being YOUNG!) who has spent the last six summers working on Ocracoke Island. Six years ago, he came down with a friend to spend a week and stayed for the summer. I (semi-) joked with my husband that perhaps he should just leave me here for the summer and come pick me back up in September since I now have no obligations at home! Eventhough it was mostly a joke, the truth is - the world is wide open to me right now and I can't decide what I want to do! Realistically, relocating isn't practical at this point because my son only has two years of high school left and he was just accepted into a Project Lead the Way program in our area. I don't want to disrupt him at this point in his life. I am, however, available to travel if a job posibility comes up with that requirement.

For now, I'm going to spend 3 more days reading (for pleasure) eating, sleeping and visiting with good friends. I'll address the next steps of my job search when I get home next week!

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