Saturday, May 31, 2008

Second Life

Since my first life appears to be in a bit of turmoil right now, I decided to take the plunge and move into Second Life. I've been wanting to explore Second Life for over a year now and but my first life always seemed to get in the way. With some unexpected spare time on my hands now, I need to take advantage of it and do some of the things that I have been putting off for so long.

Yesterday, I created my Second Life presence. My first inclination was to go with an identity associated with the education world but my upcoming trip to the beach won out and I am now Beachany Landar in Second Life. I haven't figured out how to make it off of Orientation Island yet but I'm anxious to spend some more time with the program this weekend. If you see me wandering aimlessly, take my hand and show me the ropes!

I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of my favorite educational bloggers and hope to learn much from their expertise!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Student Created Podcasts

As the school year winds down, our students are in a unique situation because they have 6 calamity days to make up. Our district was off of school during much of March due to extreme flooding. It's a struggle to keep staff and students alike motivated for 6 extra days of school, especially when the weather is finally turning nice.

Mrs. McCullagh has managed to successfully motivate her eighth graders by having them create children's stories in their language arts class which they then turned into podcasts. Check them out on her webpage here and then subscribe to them in iTunes!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Baptism by Blog!

Welcome to my inaugural blog post! I am a, soon to be unemployed, technology coordinator in a K-12 school district. I can't bear the thought that I will no longer be supporting teachers and students so this is my attempt to continue to do what I know and love through cyber-space. Thanks for letting me share part of your day!